
She was an ELECTED Queen

I’m pretty sure that if North Korea is firing nukes at the continental United States, it’s going to be targeting Los Angeles and San Francisco before it gets around to Seattle.

Good thing Iran doesn’t have nuclear weapons and has no prospects for developing them in the next decade.

Since Vader knows that Luke knows who she is, Vader would presumably start focusing on women the same age as Luke who are also known associates of Luke. That would get him to Leia pretty fast.

I guess there’s something wrong with me because I absolutely agree that Skittles (at least the regular variety) all taste the same. When eating them I don’t bother to separate them by color at all, unlike Sweet Tarts, Bottlecaps, Spree, etc.

“Probably”? I’ve eaten at a few dozen different Korean restaurants in no fewer than four different states and two Canadian provinces over the years and I’m quite sure I’ve never seen scissors used outside of the kitchen.

Gerard Butler turned into Ian McShane so slowly I hardly noticed.

In re “deep cut,” looking at IMDb, I’m surprised at how many episodes Covarrubias was in (10) versus how few Spender was in (14). And Krychek was in almost as many as Reyes (24 versus 27).

I’m holding out for Maria Covarrubias’ return.

I do this routinely to avoid checking a bag and I’ve never had a problem from the airline or airport security about it, but then again I’m usually only doing three or four layers. And yes, it is warm, but so what? The discomfort is more than offset by the savings on the bag and the psychic satisfaction of fucking over

Very nicely stated.

Setting aside that it was a very specific threat (turning her to the Dark Side), Luke’s pulling back from killing Vader was his crowning moment as a hero — he’s put to the ultimate test and prevails.

It’s not a big deal in the original trilogy because we see how it happens. You could make Luke a child-molesting serial killer in the new trilogy for all I care, but you need to communicate how/why this person, whom we spent three films getting to know well, changed. In TLJ, we see how Luke ends up being a hermit, but

I keep seeing people make that argument - if they have to explain - its not good.

This is the drum I’ve been beating — the film as an isolated work of art isn’t terrible, and it would make a good first part of a series of films or a very good last part of a series of films, but it’s absolutely terrible as what is supposed to be part 8 of a 9 part story. It contradicts or undermines a tremendous

+1 Frank’s Place was a great show and it’s a damn shame it’s not available on DVD. I wish it had gotten more seasons too — I wanted to see the evicted voodoo priestess come back for her revenge.

Now playing

That reminds me — when is AV Club going to start doing Hey Giorgy! recaps?

She’s 51 according to Wikipedia.

Also heavily depends on whether you have any input on the panel composition, hiring, etc.

I’d say since the at least the ‘70s — I understood “guys” was a gender neutral term when I was a kid using it in the early ‘80s and I doubt that was a new practice then.