Uh, I’m a Gen Xer and I use “folks” on occasion, albeit not out of some sort of political agenda.
Uh, I’m a Gen Xer and I use “folks” on occasion, albeit not out of some sort of political agenda.
“Hand in My Pocket” plays on the radio at the beginning of the movie, something that was somewhat rare in 2001.
In the director’s cut the evidence supports he’s a replicant.
I know Scott disagrees (and Ford, of course, disagrees with Scott), but in either event the film itself — even in the “Final Cut” version — is sufficiently ambiguous that it’s bizarre to act as though there’s a “heavy-handed[]” “twist” about Deckard in the film.
it’s not unthinkable to believe that there could someday be an award for best digitally generated actors as well, if only to find new ways to keep giving them to Meryl Streep 50 years from now.
The eye color being wrong is a reference back to the original film — Sean Young obviously has brown eyes, but in her Voight-Kampff test scene in the original film there’s a continuity error in that they used footage of a green eye instead of a brown eye. Deckard’s rebuttal to Wallace is playing off of that.
The movie is ambiguous as to whether Deckard is a replicant or not. (I personally think the evidence most strongly supports the idea that Deckard is human.)
Except that there’s no “twist” about that — the movie is ambiguous as to whether Deckard is a replicant or not. (I personally think the evidence most strongly supports the idea that Deckard is human.)
to the now-predictability and heavy-handedness of the now-not-subtle “twist” about the protagonist...
Well, at least you had a long, full life. ;-)
I’m mostly baffled by this being in Dearborn, Michigan. I’d expect something this ridiculous to turn up in New York or Los Angeles....
Well, do I have good news for you about The Last Jedi!
Now we’re just reverting back because people are just too fucking stupid to understand moral complexity or to be challenged in even the slightest way.
Starred for the Tegan shout-out!
The fake commercial breaks are absolutely there for purposes of airing the show on television — there would be no reason to limit each episode of the show to approximately 90 minutes if they were purely for pacing purposes.
Presuming these allegations are true, I’m disappointed in Lee, but not exactly surprised. This kind of seems overdetermined actually.
Campaign season should be limited to the months of April through November or January to June, nine months before whenever the elections are.
Are you me? Because I have almost the exact same story for why I don’t get flu vaccines anymore.
Flu strains are hard to predict, and the vaccines aren’t 100% but if you reduce the risk of someone else dying (and yourself getting the flu by even a bit) isn’t that good enough?
Not all lobbying (in fact probably most lobbying) does not involve promising to give anything of value in exchange for voting/regulating. So no, we cannot just call it “bribery.”