Is this any good? Is it just a walking sim with jump scares like modern horror games or does it have gameplay and combat and stuff like Alan Wake or Dead Space or.. well.. you know.. Silent Hill?
Is this any good? Is it just a walking sim with jump scares like modern horror games or does it have gameplay and combat and stuff like Alan Wake or Dead Space or.. well.. you know.. Silent Hill?
They also neglected to mention the 7th guest VR shindiggery that I saw.
People are done with the single player game and don’t play it any more?! Shock! Horror!
Divinity felt way more restrictive, with moves and attacks sharing actions, and the endless surface effects restricting you (I love divinity btw).
Because a fair amount of AAA, like GoW: Ragnarok and Elden Ring are really good, and also plenty of indie games are fairly terrible. Either way, people can play whatever they enjoy.
This reminds me of another point, for every really good well animated and lovingly crafted anime or cartoon, there’s some trash tier dime-a-dozen shit with awful frames animated by the cheapest studio whatever publisher is willing to pay for. Those studios are the ones that will gravitate towards AI, not those who…
It is forgotten, but it’s far from a gem. It released before an actual gem that was much anticipated and exceeded expectations (Elden Ring) just like it’s predecessor.
Also like it’s predecessor, it was fairly mediocre in all regards except the shooting robo dino’s with a bow part. The story is.. eh.. the constant…
More desperate attempts to tell me what games I can and cannot play, but this time with even more nebulous claims like “the studio is/was from russia” and “maybe they are funded by the kremlin?”
I mean, it looks... okay?
I said it before and I’ll say it again and again...
Dodge mechanic works fine when you know what to do. It sort of makes things a bit too easy.
I think the confusion comes from folks not understanding the dodge mechanic. You don’t doge in the opposite direction of the attack. You can dodge in any direction to start, but then you need to alternate directions for each additional attack.
You don’t have to dodge in the opposite direction of the swing. You just need to alternate directions. So hold left (or right regardless), then switch to the opposite for the second attack, then back again etc.. etc..
So you gonna update this article with the clarifications from the Devs?
These are the original devs of Dead Space, which was also known for it’s death animations. It wouldn’t surprise me if focus groups and people who have seen the game (maybe under NDA) are saying they want to see even more... especially given the history of the games they make.
So the lesson we were supposed to learn from GG was that women are infallible and they can hurt whoever they want without recompense, and men must suffer abuse from women in silence?
Let’s see, she perjured about editing photos right on the stand, was recorded saying Depp was a baby for complaining about being hit, and that no one would believe him. The photos she had did not depict anywhere near the damage her claims would have had her suffer, and a Jury found that she did in fact defame Depp.
“But that doesn’t change that these games were made for a very different gamer in mind.”
They weren’t made for different gamers in mind, they were made to exploit addicts.
Asset flipping isn’t just taking premade assets and putting them in a game.
“Forbidden West criticised for not reinventing the wheel, and now Elden Ring praised for exactly that.”