
The article insists that Forbidden West absolutely deserved an award as if it was a foregone conclusion, but doesn’t make a compelling argument as to why. It blames outside forces (like Elden Ring) for its snubs, and doesn’t even spend a moment to introspect that maybe there was something about the product itself that

Is it about dealing with the lack of a father, or about dealing with being an insufferable one-upper?

I love it; it’s the most next-gen feeling experience I’ve played thus far, more like an 8 to 10-hour horror film than things like The Quarry. It plays like an action game in places and has incredible set pieces. I’m not sure what some people hoped it would be, but I think it got pretty close to what people like me

Tell me you’ve never played a Metroid game before without telling me you’ve never played a Metroid game before.

Being angry you have to shoot blocks in Metroid is like being angry you have to jump on Goombas in Mario.

This is the dumbest discourse. The concept of villains in fiction shouldn’t be “cancelled.” Just because someone voices a villainous character, it doesn’t mean they condone their villainous actions. 

but of course any woman who makes any kind of money or fame off of horny men then I know that’s a special kind of evil for some reason.

thats really not that much considering what 8 9 years and up to 600 emplyes now. most of that is gone

You certainly sound like a really fun person.

My favorite crafting recipe to come out of this game so far is when you take

You mean like homo sapiens, homo erectus? THats messed up man, better get on twitter and let the world know you won’t stand for the latin word meaning “man” you uneducated idiot. 

Miyazaki and the souls games say hi

No, she can’t do that. If she just wear clothes it will be whitewashing .

Strange times we live in. Seems like everyone has turned in to a spoiled little child, throwing a fit about the world that doesn’t cater to them, and their needs/wants/likes. This is why we have so little in the way of originality anymore. Everything is engineered to placate the whining masses, and what isn’t, is

He slapped his wife...after she came in yelling, tossing things at him, ripping a monitor out of the wall and tossing it, hitting him. etc etc. while he tryed to calm her down then ended up snapping and slapping her.

He slapped his wife...after she came in yelling, tossing things at him, ripping a monitor out of the wall and tossing it, hitting him. etc etc. while he tryed to calm her down then ended up snapping and slapping her.

Chaotic neutral with low charisma is not a spec to bring to a reddit mod campaign. 

I'm just curious. What would you Jezebel ladies say to a man who'd just confessed to drunkenly pummeling his girlfriend for no good reason?

Here's hoping your spouses wise up and leave you. <3