
Better yet, don’t change the rules for colleges (the Title IX problems alone prevent them from paying players fair market value) and just get rid of the stunningly unAmerican rule that says revenue-sports players can’t make money from outside sources.  Colleges don’t have to change a thing, and Zion (and Tua, and

I find the game offers so little action that it really doesn’t offer a player the chance to get better. To remedy that, I just drop into the hottest zone I can and fight my way out. Worst comes to worse, you just start a new game, and if you do manage to get out, you feel like a champ already. Of course, you get

More like Badloe Sutton, amirite?

I once saw someone eat a fucking triple at Kopp’s in about two minutes. Never seen anything like it before or since.

Maybe the guy who bough it just really really REALLLY wanted a copy in absolute PERFECT condition so that he could install a RaspberryPie in it. If you are to do that mod you might as well do it right.

That’s why I use Canola oil and change it every 50 miles!

When my oil arrived there was a big scratch on the label. 1/5 stars. I have no thoughts on the quality of the oil itself.

Yet when I pull out my snake at a rec center I’m avoided at all costs.

I went to the same high school as his son and he and my parents are friends... spent some time with him, extremely upstanding guy with nothing but integrity and class. Also took my late grandmother on a “date” to the St. Louis Symphony. 

He does consider his cameo in “Pootie Tang” to be one of his worst decisions...

Jesus! Even more evidence of Russia meddling with our erections.

This is one of those games where I enjoy playing for the first dozen or so matches but then put it down after realizing that I can’t actually shoot anyone in a modern FPS that isn’t Overwatch.

reporter: Does Maker know yet?

Milwaukee shows Thon, Detroit whips out Johnson

Nancy Pelosi invited Donald Trump, so I think she loses.

welcome back

It’s a leftist site pushing left politics. The View is on if it’s too much for your bitch ass

earned the respect of his Brother Rats