That’s a good point.
That’s a good point.
This seems unnecessary. Sure, sometimes drive-thru lines at fast food joints are slow (I actually left a Wendy’s line this summer because it was so slow and all my son and I wanted were drinks), but I don’t find this to be a chronic issue.
I feel fortunate that I got to see his beautiful, clean, naked knee before this happened.
I’ll admit, the way the quadratic equation is written on the back of our team t-shirts is pretty seductive.
It seems like it shouldn’t matter - after all, a pitcher should pitch the same no matter who is holding the glove behind home plate - but it does. When I pitched, I greatly preferred my team’s regular starting catcher. I even told myself whenever the backup was slated to play that it didn’t matter, that I was in…
Jerry stole a babka from an old lady without harming her.
Yeah, well, if they would have all gotten perfect scores on the test like we did, maybe they could have done something about it.
The teen’s one-piece swimsuit had reportedly bunched up and was showing her “intergluteal cleft,”
No shit. I showed plenty of neck and nobody denied me of my prize for winning the North Shore Conference varsity math meet. I still have Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions sitting on my bookshelf to prove it.
She wants to catch the “uppity Blacks” in a *gotcha* moment.
Frozen Snickers are wonderful. They also hit a really nice sweet spot when they thaw just slightly. The outside gets a tiny bit soft, making it easier to bite through, but the middle still gives that frozen crunch.
[giggles] You almost wrote “cock boner.”
Gamers should be pleased to know that the record is purely cosmetic.
Can we just skip to the part where the Patriots sign Brown to a crazy cheap, 1-year contract and he behaves perfectly all season?
Ah. The dreaded Rear Admiral.
I didn’t go on family trips the last couple years because we had an old dog with health issues. We weren’t going to put her in a kennel and I didn’t feel comfortable having a dog sitter, so I stayed home to take care of our little one.
I’m going as fast as I can....