Why would you even think to make that comment about the ending?
Why would you even think to make that comment about the ending?
I used to run track and cross-country. I’m 43 now and every time I try to start running again, my brain remembers what it was like while my body wants to explode within about two blocks.
My dog is nearly 18-years old and is blind and deaf (well, I believe she can hear REALLY loud noises and REALLY high pitched noises, but basically deaf). I was watching her sleep the other night and by her twitching and odd breathing, it looked like she was dreaming. It occurred to me that in her dreams, she can see…
Did he say “making fuck?”
It’s 2019. Having multiple TVs is pretty standard, considering how inexpensive TV’s can be. We have four that are currently hooked up: three are regularly used and one is rarely used. I have a semi-broken 55" TV that is just sitting unplugged, waiting for me to clean out my office to find a place for it (where the…
Holy shit, #2 is exactly the way my rich aunt and uncle’s family room is. Seating is arranged so people can chat and the TV is in a built-in corner shelf, making it really awkward to watch. Plus, it severely limits the size of the TV in a very large room.
It was pretty obvious from watching the game that the foul discrepancy (and you hit on this a bit) was because the Bucks were much more aggressive driving to the basket, especially because they have Giannis (who, oddly, from my amateur eye, has yet to get the superstar treatment regularly).
To Glenn Beck, the American equivalent of Notre Dame is probably Stone Mountain.
Did you push up your glasses before you typed that?
Baier: how many are willing to transition....
Even I'd somehow he never has a good offensive game in the NBA, his defense will play. At worst, he's a really, really good 3-and-D guy.
She’s moving on to run an eastern European hostel, taking bids on attractive college students from the ultra-rich.
Overall, I thought the reffing was ok, considering how bad reffing usually is, but obviously they missed calls during the game. I don’t have a running list, but I specifically remember Guy stripping the ball from an Auburn player that was called a foul, even though it was all ball AND the guy was given two shots when…
I liked it a lot, but thinking back, it’s not really memorable.
Is be pretty pissed if someone called me that. I'm not whiny at all.
It may be short, but realistically, there will be people want the game on Steam who will die before the exclusivity period ends.
Whatever. I threw pitches like that in RBI Baseball all the damn time.
That’s a lot of pisses I would have to take.