
The players raised concerns about the requirement that they attend actual classes. The school administration is looking into how this can be remedied.

The foul on Durant’s three didn’t seem like much at all. Guy kind of put his hands on him for the splitest of seconds. It certainly seemed like Durant fouled KAT, bad pass be damned.


I’m the same way. My wife actually semi-suggested/asked if I would be interested in running for office, to which I said, “Fuuuuuuuck no.”

You think THEY feel bad, how do you think WE all feel seeing Duke almost lose?

When the oop missed, I turned to my daughter and said that was going to lose the game for UCF because Duke ALWAYS cashes in on opponents’ missed opportunities. Sure enough, 3-pointer.

lol of course

An escalator is not a ride. Walk if you are able.

Correction: Cavs beat the Bucks sans Giannis. And sans Brogdon. And sans Mirotic. And sans the first three backup guards. And the Bucks were on a back-to-back.

I haven’t used Octane, but I watched some Twitch streams and one thing I found interesting is that you can’t kill yourself with his health drain speed boost. You always have a sliver of health left.

We all age, obviously, and I’m no supermodel, but boy, has Trump’s face really puffed out.

I just told my 12-year old daughter about this and she responded, “He’s suing about ‘yo-mama’ jokes.”

Now playing

Exclusive video INSIDE the West Wing of President Trump’s acting out self-driving car crashes:

Two things:

She and her kid BOTH have to pass kindergarten through 12th grade, two weeks at each grade level.

I came to post your same bullet point #1, but I was going to add a couple: