
Even I'd somehow he never has a good offensive game in the NBA, his defense will play. At worst, he's a really, really good 3-and-D guy.

She’s moving on to run an eastern European hostel, taking bids on attractive college students from the ultra-rich.

Overall, I thought the reffing was ok, considering how bad reffing usually is, but obviously they missed calls during the game. I don’t have a running list, but I specifically remember Guy stripping the ball from an Auburn player that was called a foul, even though it was all ball AND the guy was given two shots when

The double dribble should have been a moot point, anyway. The Auburn defender yanked Jerome’s jersey before Jerome recovered the ball. If people are going to bitch and moan about a missed call, bitch and moan about that one, too, which would have stopped the play before a double dribble.

I liked it a lot, but thinking back, it’s not really memorable.

Is be pretty pissed if someone called me that. I'm not whiny at all.

It may be short, but realistically, there will be people want the game on Steam who will die before the exclusivity period ends.

Whatever. I threw pitches like that in RBI Baseball all the damn time.

That’s a lot of pisses I would have to take.

The players raised concerns about the requirement that they attend actual classes. The school administration is looking into how this can be remedied.

The foul on Durant’s three didn’t seem like much at all. Guy kind of put his hands on him for the splitest of seconds. It certainly seemed like Durant fouled KAT, bad pass be damned.


I’m the same way. My wife actually semi-suggested/asked if I would be interested in running for office, to which I said, “Fuuuuuuuck no.”

You think THEY feel bad, how do you think WE all feel seeing Duke almost lose?

When the oop missed, I turned to my daughter and said that was going to lose the game for UCF because Duke ALWAYS cashes in on opponents’ missed opportunities. Sure enough, 3-pointer.

lol of course

An escalator is not a ride. Walk if you are able.