
Correction: Cavs beat the Bucks sans Giannis. And sans Brogdon. And sans Mirotic. And sans the first three backup guards. And the Bucks were on a back-to-back.

I haven’t used Octane, but I watched some Twitch streams and one thing I found interesting is that you can’t kill yourself with his health drain speed boost. You always have a sliver of health left.

We all age, obviously, and I’m no supermodel, but boy, has Trump’s face really puffed out.

I just told my 12-year old daughter about this and she responded, “He’s suing about ‘yo-mama’ jokes.”

Now playing

Exclusive video INSIDE the West Wing of President Trump’s acting out self-driving car crashes:

Two things:

She and her kid BOTH have to pass kindergarten through 12th grade, two weeks at each grade level.

I came to post your same bullet point #1, but I was going to add a couple:

Yup. About 9:00am is a perfect time. Now, I live within a few minutes walk of my grocery store, so that eliminates any traffic problems, but the times I drive my kids to school or have an early appointment, Publix is always empty around 8:30-9:00am.

First they want to take 70 percent of our income and now this. I’m not going to grow any more businesses or create any more jobs because it just doesn’t pay to be rich at this point!

Im getting real fucking tired of Jewish people being used as political pawns, whether it’s by the unabashed anti-Semitic Conservative crowd or by the faux-outrage Conservative crowd or by the "we must do something about this" centrist Democrat crowd.

The Great Wall of ‘Gina.

It’s incredible to realize, even if he was a completely wonderful human being, that the president of a country tweeted a video of a golden shower and followed up by asking the world what a golden shower was.

ESPN already works for Duke basketball, so whatevs.

I would pay to be a background extra on this show. It has the absolute best extra roles.

I don’t remember much about that show, but I do recall that even though it was difficult to figure out what was going on, I loved how absurd it was. And I agree, he did an excellent job.

“whose former firm, Black, Manafort & Stone, advised Trump in the eighties and nineties”