
Which Sixer has the hottest wife?

Gotta put that shit on mute, at least.

an overwhelming amount of stuff to do or collect and a steep learning curve.

Man, I’m going to spend all weekend swapping out 3.5" floppies.

How dare those SJW libtards count every vote to make sure the person who received the most votes wins. 

I’d go Beatles, but if I want to rock, Queen is #1.

Sounds like something out of Minority Report. Wonder if it can go vertical.

I add the “in a blanket.”

If they like it, they like it. It’s cool.

I always have this problem. I have to constantly say, “I’m sorry, son, but you must have me confused with someone else. My name is Roger Murdock. I’m the co-pilot.”

It’s so weird to think how short people are compared to basketball players. I’m 6'1" and am always in the top tier of height at any given gathering of people (and with a wife of 5-feet and kids who haven’t reached their teens, I’m a monster in my own house), but I occasionally realize I would look like the runt of the

I was into that bad before they were on the Free Music Archive.

You just know that the person in charge of a recount in Florida is going to be named Chad.

I think you know there are a lot of white folks in the Trump administration who are not necessarily racist who felt uncomfortable for the first time in their lives about whether or not they wanted to allow any brown people into the country.”

Coming next December: Apple IIc Classic.

Gingrich, Isakson, Price, Handel...McBath. This is good change.

I hate Tucker Carlson with the fire of 10,000 burning crosses, but harassing someone at their house is not good. Not only is that just a line you shouldn’t cross, but it gives alt-right forces - who we know don’t shy away from violence - further prompting to step up their game. 

Looks like Acosta was the one...accosted.

I knew that girl in college. I bought her the album. It didn’t work.

Pence is Reek.