
Give insurance the ability to not cover if you aren’t wearing a helmet. Your choice, your pocket.

Anything by Rockstar. As I’ve gotten older they just seem like they are trying too hard to be edgy.

As volitile as a career on the internet can be. If the money is up front, get paid. None of these companies are giving you a retirement package or benefits. Companies are only there to make money, they will abandon you for profit, so return the favor, get paid when you can. I wish the world wasn’t like this, I’m a

It requires discipline, but wait until the game goes on sale. I don’t like paying over $40.

How about a show where people design homebrew and have to avoid the Pinkertons for 3 hours or WotC/Hasbo steals their content?

People taking up more than one spot. Your car isn’t that special.

OZ, True Detective, Harley Quinn

1080p, maybe 1440p if I’m feeling wild and crazy.

Steam page lists single player as an option, so take that for what it’s worth.

I might get it if Epic offers it for free, that might be an ok price, maybe.

Well, I know what my first mod needs to be for this game.

People did the same thing when I worked at Suncoast, we would have up to 5 kids just sitting in front of the TVs we played movies on. Those movies were not always kids films.

I only play the single player, online holds no interest for me. I have nothing against online, but after dealing with people in meat-space, I don’t want to deal with them in cyber.

As long as we don’t go back to the Boobs McChesty throwing out quips while acting too cool for school. Hated the old games, and the old movies. Hope it is something new.

Don’t be “the guy” just let people be...

Coming soon, The XXXbox.

There should be a hack that forces the target into a t-pose as an easteregg. They could call it the Tbug.

That is pretty cool.

Just double tap it already.

Not on my dime.