Liked Batwoman, early Smallville seasons 1-3, Arrow seasons 1-2, Flash seasons 1-2, Black Lightning and Supergirl seasons 1-2. Legends was, ok at best for me. Unrelated, Gotham just never hit for me.
Liked Batwoman, early Smallville seasons 1-3, Arrow seasons 1-2, Flash seasons 1-2, Black Lightning and Supergirl seasons 1-2. Legends was, ok at best for me. Unrelated, Gotham just never hit for me.
Cool, might play coop now.
The rendering came pretty close to catching the smug look of an apple product owner, good job.
So... it was a comedy right? Just asking cause, while it seemed like everyone was trying to be funny, the jokes were pretty flat.
I went the other way, from a Tacoma to a GTI. Loved both of them.
Black capes are awesome (own three). And good for them, there were only about 30 of us dressed up for the premier of Bram Stoker’s Dracula.
Cool. I already own 1 and 2 on disk, but my current gaming PC has no DVD/CD/BR drive. Have Infinity on steam
Great news. I own a PC, I upgrade it myself, I don’t need/want a console. That said, I do want to play some of the exclusives. I am not, however, going to buy a console for one to four games per generation. Baring a port, emulation is the only option if I don’t want to wait for the console to go super cheap once…
Love these kind of methods. Could they also make the game take longer to load/save, make save games get really bloated (like multiple gigs of space per save), enemies gain healing and extra armor, or has a game done these?
Nintendo just can’t resist giving me reasons to never buy their games and only emulate them. Their anti-fan mentality just pisses me off.
Not the fault of the article, fault of the game designers choice to design for the lowest brow of fan.
Any word on a TV only version? I have no interest in a handheld.
So, another game company to add to my list of “ok to pirate from these publishers.”
Now he can start Elden Ring 2's story!
Paragon, in every playthrough. Just feels “off” to not. I do wish that a nuanced middle option existed.
Big dumb fun, put a smile on my face, didn’t overstay its welcome. Solid B grade.
270 games on steam with 5 minutes or less (I usually start most games once just to make sure they work, especially early release games).
Turn down reflections, crank up draw distance, set to first person, invert Y (or set to flight sim style), lock fps to 30, and if I have to reduce shadows. For me it is all about reducing pop in and seeing as far as I can.
Yep, I love milk as a drink, a gallon a week on average, plus ice cream. I have tried alot of the alternatives, and while there are some not horrible creamers, forget drinking them, they all suck.
Always saw these guys as more Corporate Conservative. The “Megacorp” Republicans of space. (based on ES1 and this trailer at least)