
Score another one for Trump. Its time to dump politically correct garbage and point out who the real terrorists are. We should be racial profiling at the immigration and TSA line, not frisking granny or making grandpa take off his prosthetic leg. Its time to wisen up!

Wow, what’s wrong with him? He looks great to me reading those points.

I think you’re missing the whole point

If you’re not OLED - you’re weak.

If you’re not OLED - you’re weak.

The only paid protesters are on the left. Soros funds them time and time again to cause disruptions. Grandfather of evil..

If that’s the best your mind can conjure, wow...

I agree with most of your statement. Many times the government uses the excuse of “safety” to take away freedoms (patriot act 1&2).

More guns = safer society (stats prove this over and over).

Why do all you “liberals” name call so much? Is that the only argument that can be mustered? It is a sign of immaturity.

I’m for a ban on all muslims. Trump is starting with those who are known for terrorist activities. Even the democrats voted for the same thing in the last administration.

I’m ignorant to not want terrorist living on my street? Give me a break.

Are you from the ghetto? Your accent gives you away ;)

Their religion demands it. A fairly large percent of muslims are radicalized so it is only sensible to stop all of them from coming in or else it risks americans’ lives. They have many of their own countries to choose from so let them stay there.

That is very wrong thinking. If you actually vet the people coming in then you can stop the bad guys easier. If you freely let 1000s of bad guys in hoping they won’t hurt you if you’re nice to them, then you are an idiot! Add the southern wall in and we stop lots and lot and lots of bad guys preemptively.

Vile is opening welcoming those who wish to do you harm. It is in their religion and they openly state it. Vile indeed.

Freedom isn’t living in fear of being blown up either. A safe society is a freer one. This is a christian nation, not a muslim one like the last president tried so hard to influence. Muslims don’t mix well with anybody and that makes society less free to operate when they are constantly demanding sharia law, prayer

Please quit watching fake news.