
Princess kisses frog. = Romantic.

So the obviously biased spokesperson said the meat tasted good? What a shock!

Feel free to contact me when you’ve done anything impressive.

They have to vary the amount of teh autisms they put in every year to keep us guessing.

We all know the Earth is warming because humans are emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere

Donald Trump IS the President of the United States... move on Snowflake....


“I heard you liked this stuff...”

Matt...I see you still insist on being a bigger liar than you accuse Trump of being. Again, for the third time, please explain, without LYING, how the orders are a Muslim ban.

FAKE NEWS!!! I get 10 cents every time I post that.

Eh. It’s been done before. :/

CO2 causing global warming is a joke. Nasa even said it had a cooling effect a few years ago. Couple that with increased plant growth and viola: The earth is self regulating as it always has been. Its a stupid scheme to control and tax us.

Apple has lost its charm, so they now vent their frustrations on a daily basis.

I hate how political Gizmodo has become. It’s like huffpo-lite here now.

> deplorables

As an Arthurian whore I can tell you nothing on earth will stop me from seeing this.

“The implication that garnering political power—especially when the Trump’s presidential cabinet is slated to be its whitest in decades—means becoming less black.”

My question is then, why didn’t President Obama, VP Biden, Clinton, Chuck Schumer do anything about it then? They all seemed to accept it, they didn’t like it but excepted the results. So why can’t the people who supported them?
Also, there can’t be two majorities, either the majority voted for him or they didn’t.