
If you’re vaccinated you shouldn’t worry about someone who isn’t because theoretically you shouldn’t get the disease at all from anybody. That’s only “if” vaccinating actually worked in the first place.

Conservative values are also known as, “Good, moral, and right”

Apparently the right one is openly perverse. Only stupid people think such things are “cool” and “loving”.

More of hollywood pushing perversions to dumb down the masses and change their morals. Totally disgusting..

Science easily proves a deity and creation. The more they study the world, the more complex and ordered it is that something like “chance” couldn’t create. The hologram idea is just another distraction from this truth.

Tom also uses a lots of science and tology and stuff for this.


Promoting aberrant behavior openly should always be restricted.

“because it implies there’s something inherently offensive about being LGBT”

Yes, I am homophobic. Yes, I believe in LEGAL immigration, not illegal. No I’m not racist, that just a liberal word tool to confront any kind of opposition because they have little else to use. Obama released photo shopped documents and did so several times, look it up.

Yes, I am homophobic. Yes, I believe in LEGAL immigration, not illegal. No I’m not racist, that just a liberal

I’d probably say the same thing if fat albert threw me down like that. Stupid liberals and their PC garbage - standing up for the bully just because he has more melanin content in his skin.

You are right, its not the color of the vacuum that matters, but in the actual makeup of it. The Turbo Trump is made in the USA, while the vacuum you espouse is made in Kenya and also has some assembly made in muslim countries. The programming of your unit is done by multiple communists which include:

You are right, its not the color of the vacuum that matters, but in the actual makeup of it. The Turbo Trump is

Ah, the problem is you watched that commercial on a competing shopping network where they fabricated all of the negatives to make their crappy product look better. Don’t worry, after you use this vacuum for a few years you will realize you had never had such a well performing and efficient machine before and nothing

Ah, the problem is you watched that commercial on a competing shopping network where they fabricated all of the

“Turbo Trump 2016" - sucks the dirt and skum like no other. Makes the white house much cleaner (less corruption) and less muslim (invaders). Also fewer democraps on the carpet.

“Turbo Trump 2016" - sucks the dirt and skum like no other. Makes the white house much cleaner (less corruption)

My wish is that Trump would overturn everything Obama did in the last, failed 8 years. That would be a big step in making america great again :)

Yes, vaccines are stupid, mostly ineffective, and definitely harmful.

Most people I hear who get the flu shot get the flu. Many say its the worst flu they ever had too. I’m staying away from allllll injections.

Since gizmodo is touting wrong things such as the fake fake news:

Its a reckless statement to say that injecting unproven concoctions into your blood stream is a good idea. This mix is full of adjuvants and inactivated viruses in the hopes that it will create the correct immune response:

Your polar bear comment was an Al Gore reference. He said they would be gone by now.