
Apparently you’re color blind..

Tell me when you find any...

Patriots defend their country (conservatives). Patriots don’t invite the enemy in and give them hugs.

Not a big fan of protecting yourself eh?

Talk like that makes you a terrorist. So thats why you support them...

Ya, its so horrifying for a President to actually protect his people from countries known for terrorism. How dare he do his job.

Please move to canada. Conservatives were here first.

If muslims don’t want to be judged for being muslim, maybe they should stay in muslim lands. Only makes sense.

Only idiots want mass murdering psychopaths hiding among them...

Look at history. Europe was down to one battle to stave off the muslim invasions of the past. Now europeans are brain dead and invite them in. It is totally insane.

“Official Stats” are almost always false when someone is pushing an agenda. Merkel is a freaking destroyer.

Apparently your news lies to you too? I see news stories all of the time of the gang rapes taking place in sweden and germany. It looks like a nightmare for those people.

Please move to canada

Doesn’t driving a terrorist to their destination of destruction make them an accomplice? Muslims perpetrate terror attacks so why take the chance on any of them?

Yes, it is very reasonable to invite murderous people into your country when they vow to destroy you. Its also reasonable to have them among your wives and daughters when they rape to subdue as in europe. Past history and current history show they are an evil religion and can’t be appeased.

Muslim isn’t a race, its a religion. An evil, murderous one at that.

Muslims aren’t innocent. Their religion is to hate anyone who doesn’t believe like them and kill them. We don’t need that kind of filth in our country. Geez, just look at poor europe and how it is being decimated by them...

How about that every single terror attack is perpetrated by a muslim person? Why are liberals so in love with people who want to kill them? Its written into their religion and it won’t be changing. Trump is absolutely right to ban muslims. (scourge of the earth)

Its selfish to protect americans and their economy? Why should we give foreign aid to kill babies? You don’t think that’s imposing values, lol.

Seriously, how can you not see what’s happening? First week: Wall being built, sanctuary cities defunded, foreign abortion money cut off, TPP gone, Keystone pipeline on track, EPA stopped from more regulations, no more government employees (do we need everyone employed?), obama’s $221 million gift to palestine