
Thanks for the clear up. Bandwidth is our blood and it must flow!

So you’re saying just because you’re born that I owe you something? What a privilege. You’re whiteness makes you automatically taxed to help brown or black people? I’m sorry, but no man should owe another man anything but love. Charity is great and awesome, but when its at the end of a gun then that is evil. Just

I think you’re saying that the ISP should be regulating the services since they are the ones providing it? If so, I would agree. If I understand it right, the net neutrality is messing up the future of streaming services somewhat by imposing old rules (and we all love netflix). Here is a post for a news article on the

No, nothing like that. I’m talking about “all” government regulations that make operating about any business an arduous task...

I’m not the one out of touch if you think the unaffordable care act didn’t raise people’s rates drastically. I heard many stories of double and triple premiums to where people couldn’t afford them. Mine shot up and I ended up dropping it in favor of a cost sharing insurance.

Sure thing. Most americans will benefit in a multitudinous of ways. Its gonna be a long list dude :)

Why are you democrats so full of hate? Oh ya, you’ve let the dark side consume you....

Delusions run deep in blueville!

Did a truth bomb blow up in your face? What else could make people so mad?

CO2 causing global warming is a joke. Nasa even said it had a cooling effect a few years ago. Couple that with increased plant growth and viola: The earth is self regulating as it always has been. Its a stupid scheme to control and tax us.

Take a deep hard look at who is irrational. I fully plan on benefiting from Trump in many ways. Can’t wait for the corporate tax cuts to come because that will save me bookoos of bucks.


Is that how democrats see the world? Distorted and abstract?

You mean a nationalist instead of a globalist? Maybe you should look into moving to canada. We reserved it for liberals.

More wrongness

I’m hearing, “tax tax tax”.

Name calling: Childish behavior enacted when one is losing at something

What a nice liberal full of tolerance and lovvvvve

Why should city snobs dictate to us country folk? Lets have a nation represented rather than by just rats in a cage. Cities seem to breed socialism while country living breeds self reliance and capitalism.