
Only smart people like governmental overreach? You like Big Daddy?

Will you fine me if I don’t? Great freedom

I run a business and have to abide by a number of rules. It has cost me money to comply and the only reason they were in place was so they could better monitor me (at my expense).

Regulation = more government, oversight and fines in your life. Lets get rid of the obtrusive monster and liver freer lives.

No, that’s just where the “wrong” people live ;)

Big daddy government will take care of all your needs. Just vote democrat and your dreams will be given to you. Marxist utopian society is here.

Oh, he whipped the money changers and called the religious establishment a brood of vipers. He spoke the truth.

Obamacare is a joke. It raised premiums so high that many couldn’t afford it. It also penalized people for not having it. What a joke.

Oh, i’m not saying all regulation is bad. There are a lot of stupid rules the strangle businesses though (try working in a food processing plant).

Close those eyes and go back to sleep. Pull up those blanket of lies to keep you warm at night.

Perverse: Deviating from what is considered moral, right, proper or good

Look in the mirror and repeat what you have been saying. - Perverse

No, you have to deduct the dead and the illegals. Trump actually won popular when you do that.

The scriptures is what this country is founded on. I have a clue ;)

You are the poster child of the tolerant, bleeding heart, loving and gay, liberal left who ironically are full hate and slam anyone with an opposing viewpoint with vile speech and name calling.

Of coarse its fueling automation. If an employee costs more than a robot then out with the employee eventually. Lots of businesses lay off tons of people each minimum wage raise because it makes the cost of doing business unfordable for many who are already on a shoe string. Its basic economics.

Liberal hate. Join the women’s protest parades already. They sure have vile mouths too. Madonna your favorite artist now?

You must live on welfare also to get so mad. Maybe you should go look for a job and learn what its like to earn a real living. No work = no self pride

Full of hate much?

Just wait and watch, wait and watch. Big changes are coming for america’s betterment. I have no doubt.