
Yes, automation will be a continuing trend. Thats one bad thing about raising minimum wages and obamacare, they force companies to make drastic changes. Another problem is lots of americans don’t want to work because they are too used to free handouts. Change some of these problems and companies will be more open

Lies. Jobs flee because of high taxes and too many gov regulations. Trump will cut both and jobs will come back, especially if he imposes any import taxes. Trump = gg

Truth is hard to come against. Obama tried for 8 years and fooled a bunch of you, but now its time to erase and undue the lies.

not to the irrational...

Bigotry is good when it is based on truth. Having a perverse Pres leads to the nation becoming more perverse. Hollywood puts lots of evil crap out and our nation is devolving because of it.

I’m not worried about my job. I’m well positioned and know how things work. It will be a long, long time before I could be squeezed out. Farms will always need real workers.

Change is usually not a good thing. It leads to a rainbow white house full of perversions.. Conserving the principles and values from the beginning is the correct way to go.

It costs about $40k to put guidance on each tractor. That doesn’t make them autonomous at all. I couldn’t imagine what one of those suckers would cost. And that’s just one job. There are all kinds of things to do on a farm that takes a million dollars in just regular equipment to make it happen (at least). On top

Past performance is the best indicator of future results. Liberals know no bounds....

My tractors steer themselves and I love it. I don’t get any less busy though. Driverless tractors are in the works, but I don’t see farmers disappearing because there are so many different things to do on a farm and attend to. It will be too costly to replace each job, and frankly, impossible in my experience. I

I guess you missed the part where obama encouraged it. I guess you also missed that they get driver’s licenses in california so that they can vote. I guess you probably also missed that there has been a flood of them coming in too...

You mean higher places of indoctrination? No thanks. The center has most of the religious values left in this country. They are also the ones that do the real value to this country like producing food. I’m proud to be one of them and not a city slicker.

What a RINO. Trump isn’t a closet muslim terrorizing the country like the last guy. He is going to do a lot of good, and when he does, he needs our thanks and appreciation.

Obama wasn’t illegitimate. He wasn’t even born in the US. Dang muslims terrorists....

Are you writing this about obama? Nobody knew this new guy and said, “Give him a chance, we need change”. What a freaking mess he caused. Not one thing good he did, not one...

The bottom left indicates where the illegals were voting and the top right shows where people had their brains frozen by the NY Times and cold weather. The red center shows where the rational people live and work. It all makes perfect sense ;)

From that the correlation I get is that the more crowded people are, the more wrong they become. :)