Rocky Jones Space Ranger

I would like to see her notes.

and don’t go for the temples!

Same thing happened to me.

Yes, I’m a racist, I’m here because I’m racist.”

You used two qualifiers in a row and yet you still used the word “all.” 

Will the sequel address any of the logical flaws with the first movie? 

Hey, thanks for the pointer!

You can confirm something for “all men”?


Or maybe giving out her name in such an obvious way would ruin the woman’s career? You know, what with the “seizure triggered by the heat and the stage lighting”.

Yeah. She should definitely name the dancer who had a seizure because of the stage lights and the heat, so that dancer never gets hired again for a tour. Great idea. 

“gather up whitey to kill”

You need to be a little more careful about which account you are using to respond, chief. You are responding to a post to NewbombedTurk from ecaste489.

Fred Armisen? Name rings a bell. Lemme see . . .

Where’s the border open? Maybe send me a glimpse on google maps or something. Shouldn't be too hard for a geopolitical whiz like yourself to find.

No response, sock-puppet? 

The holocaust is what made me finally doubt the existence of god.

What are you talking about? What does god have to do with anything?

“all of you would be in chains still, and you sure as fuck wouldn’t be able post on the internet about how horrible it is to live here”