Rocky Jones Space Ranger

Uh, electing a black president doesn’t mean the country isn’t racist. And if that is somehow true, what does electing Trump mean - we’re back to being racist, I guess? Because he’s totally racist.

Nazis existed before the camps and the book burnings, didn’t they? I mean, they did, I’m just asking if you realize that they did.

Why would you want to do the Nazi salute though? Seriously.

Jesus. Is there such a thing as the white person Upside Down? Because you are in it deep.

Yes. There are only so many words that can be written about something. Go get ‘im.

Hi- first time caller, long time cracker-ass mayo lover.

That’s because it was dumb fan service.

the mere suggestion?

Of course they are fake rifles - did you really think I meant they were wandering around the school with real guns? 

Hey, which moment do you think is more culturally different from the way we talk, act, and behave now, one from 35 years ago, or one from 2011?

2011 isn’t “so old.” We’re not talking about a video taken from Jack Parr’s Tonight Show here.

I don’t think they’re getting that deep into it, though.

Well, the part about uniforms and orders sounds like military service. And the kids at my school in the JROTC spend a shitload of time drilling with rifles . . . 

why “flat,” I always want to ask.

The TC stands for training corps, right?

Wait -

Why wait in a turkey line to refuse a turkey?

McDonald’s about 5 miles away had kiosks like this about 10 years ago.

unless they have been following him around 24 hours a day and have total knowledge of his every action, offering support at this time is a bad idea. 

I’d say you were trying too hard, but this is the laziest shit I’ve ever heard. You dudes just get Fruityloops or something?