
If you don’t like the laws, change them.

People that enforce the law are not in the wrong.

You’re on the perfect site to discuss things with idiots. This place is on par with Breitbart.

Anyone that gives a shit about CNN isn’t worth discussing.

I bet you he’s a hero in jail, at least among a certain subset. It’s not like White Supremacists aren’t well-represented in US prisons. Didn’t you watch Oz?

Well, I’m not sure you can use your First Amendment rights as an excuse to shoot a bunch of people, even if you say that’s some kind of religious belief.

If he has a genuine conflict with his attorneys, then I think he could get a new attorney appointed without too much problem.

My favorite tenet from the Church of Satan:

If you define “religion” as an organized system of beliefs based on faith, white supremacy could, arguably, be considered a “religion.”

Well, you have to give him points for consistency, right?

I think after the GOP nomination process people should have realized that he wasn’t the pushover that everyone anticipated. He leveled plenty of accomplished politicians in that process and it wasn’t even close. He just fucking steamrolled them. I’m not saying that makes him FDR, Jr., but Dems should have at least

She would have worked with Democrats to tweak the ACA.

The fact Clinton won the popular vote is not a fact that means much.

She lost the election to a reality show host. Yes. She was a terrible candidate. What more evidence do you need?

Barbara Bush is the Oracle: She said very early that the US did not want another Bush or Clinton as POTUS. Spot on.

And even that “hope” is delusional. Hispanics actually voted for Trump in bigger numbers than expected. He did better than Romney even though he was threatening to “build the wall” and all that.

She’s the least grandmotherly grandmother on Earth.

Had Clinton won, she would have passed exactly ZERO pieces of legislation. I think the GOP Congress would have gone after her with even more venom than they did Obama, if that’s possible.

Since you wanted a citation about links between GD and schizophrenia, here’s a peer-reviewed paper I found although I didn’t read it and, frankly, have never heard of it so take it with a grain of salt.

The opinion of “Modern biology” is not in that article. It’s not medical evidence. It’s not peer-reviewed. There are no studies. It’s not “evidence” of anything except “some biologists” have a theory that hasn’t been proven.