
Has Trump pardoned them yet?

Hillary lost to an orange game show host admitted sexual assaulter.

I think that, if anything, what we’ve seen is that the GOP doesn’t want to repeal the ACA after all. Their base, at least some of it, seems to like it now.

Why don’t you fucking move there and mobilize them since you’re willing to make such sacrifices.

lol - maybe she’ll run as a third-party candidate.

The DNC has no strategy for competing in districts outside of already safely blue districts.

I agree with your conclusion - the Democrats are fuck ups that aren’t going to win anything - but get there a different way. I think that the Democrats have spent so long catering to every minority possible that they forgot that they needed at least some white people to hold onto swing states.

I don’t necessarily disagree with you, but Bill Clinton was not a rock star. There was a lot of GOP fatigue when he beat Bush, Sr. plus a recession. Clinton was the classic “give us the new, young guy” candidate which is ironic given the fact that the “new, young guy” is now the fucking person that won’t leave.

That’s not accurate. 43 violated virtually every conservative tenet in the book and they still gave him a second term. GOP voters are always going to vote GOP because many of them are single issue voters and the GOP caters to them - gun rights, anti-abortion, religion, etc.

The current Democratic party is going to disintegrate before the GOP will. The failure of the “Blue Wall” was the surest sign of that. When Democrats went from being “the party for the blue-collar worker” to “the party of the unemployed” it was over.

LOL - I don’t agree that the GOP is in tatters, but let’s assume it is.

The reason the GOP wins is because they’ve staked out the “right” territory with single issue voters that actually show up and vote. They have the gun nuts, they have the pro-life people, they have the government sucks people, they have the “we hate fag” people, they have the “no taxes” people, etc.

I think it’s a no-brainer they don’t run fucking Hillary again. But saying that the DNC, or any other organization, can simply invent a candidate out of thin air is just wishful thinking. The Democrats don’t have anyone to run that’s worth a shit EXCEPT Al Franken and I doubt if he does.

I still argue that 43 was a bigger disaster for the US than 45 will be, unless he really tops himself. And 43 won two terms so it won’t surprise me a bit if 45 does and I’m confident he will.

He can and will. Who are the Democrats going to run? Can they get a coherent message out that will actually ring true?

I always like more evidence that what I already knew was true is now, even truer!

That’s a bit of a myth and exists mainly because of semantics. As this article explains, they modified the definition of “deported” and it made Obama look worse than I think the truth warrants.

Why don’t you change the laws. Instead of complaining that there’s an agency going around enforcing the laws you’re representatives enacted, get off your ass, and change the law.

Really? You don’t think ICE agents get wages that they can then use to obtain an education, buy food, pay rent, etc.? That’s an interesting view.

Eh, he got the best of you. He deserves a hat tip.