
There’s about 2,500 years of history where people born with penis were deemed “male” and those born with vaginas were called “women.” That’s because if you have a penis, you’re male and if you have a vagina, you’re a woman.

Because he is a he. I know that bothers people, but reality is reality and pretending men are women and vice versa may be polite but it’s also delusional.

Just trying to help you look less like an idiot in the future. It’s not working.

He got you worked up, didn’t he?

If you feel the compulsion to get worked up and argue that you’re better than some anonymous poster on the internet that you’ll never meet you’ve already lost the battle.

If so, there are plenty of idiots that can’t wait to pick it up and get into an internet slap fight over it.

No, you keep saying that I “slandered” BLM by simply pointing out the fact that BLM is viewed as a terrorist organization (read the article) by many due, at least in part, to the fact the Dallas Sniper is widely seen to be part of it.

What point? That he’s a convicted traitor? That’s a fact. The fact you choose to ignore that he’s a traitor simply because he’s also a transsexual may work great for you here at this site but I doubt if it does much for you in the real world. I give Manning about two years before he’s trying to kill himself again.

They’re one and the same. Saying the Dallas Sniper isn’t widely seen as being with BLM is delusional.

No, the fact he’s a convicted traitor bothers me. The fact he’s a transsexual is something I’m sure I’d never know but for the fact he’s a traitor.

No, you’re defending a terrorist that was obviously part of that movement. Pretending that the Dallas Sniper isn’t widely associated with BLM isn’t “white supremacy” it’s simply recognizing reality.

I’ll never commit treason like he did so he can rest easy knowing he’s done more than me in that regard.

Uh, yeah, and he went to the protest against cops and shot a bunch of cops. If you think that’s a coincidence, you’re the one being willfully obtuse.

I don’t support any other traitors, either. Sorry you feel the need to do so but if you’re willing to put your love of all things transsexual above your country, then maybe that’s why people don’t like you. Don’t blame it all on being transsexual because you’re missing the bigger point.

Hey, if he’s big enough to commit treason, I’m sure he’s man enough to handle being called “he”.

I don’t care what he goes by. You do, and that’s your right. He’s always going to be a male traitor in my book.

Manning was convicted of violating the Espionage Act. By definition, he’s a traitor.

Not at all. I note above that Ellsberg was also guilty. A traitor is a traitor regardless of their sexual orientation.

You can say he wasn’t a BLM backer, but he sure as Hell seems to have been. If he wasn’t he sure picked an odd place to kill cops.

No, I’m explaining how it works to you. O.J. Simpson was also found not guilty. That by no means establishes that (a) there wasn’t plenty of evidence he did the crime; or (b) that he didn’t actually do it (he did).