
As far as pro coaches go, Stephens isn’t bad. You don’t get to make a living as a coach unless you’re a tyrannical nut job. It goes with the territory.

Very good and short. You could probably binge watch it (and you probably will) in a night. I think the first season is only six episodes? Definitely worth watching.

The fact he was found not guilty doesn’t mean there was not a ton of evidence that he did, in fact, aid and abet the enemy.

They say that imitation should be taken as flattery, but the fact you’re copying my arguments only tends to confirm my belief that you’re poorly educated. If you had received a decent education, you could come up with your own stuff.

I’m not sure about that. Rightly or not, the Dallas Sniper is widely considered to be part of BLM and there’s no doubt that shit was terroristic.

Just because you won’t admit it doesn’t mean it’s a lie. If I dropped out of public school, I wouldn’t broadcast it either.

If someone has been convicted of what amounts to treason, it’s hard to argue that he isn’t a traitor.

If you had any education, you’d know that all excrement can be used as fertilizer and is not truly “worthless.” When did you drop out of public school?

I don’t have a Facebook account because I think it is populated by morons. You are evidence of that.

Maybe because the photo looks like Lord Voldemort with garish lipstick on?

Right, I remember you idiots saying the same thing when a game show host won the GOP nomination.

You need to look up his case. He was charged with aiding and abetting the enemy (although he walked on that one) and there was plenty of evidence that he did so. Helping our enemies, generally, is frowned upon at all levels, let alone by someone serving in the military.

Well, given that the GOP controls the majority of government at the local, state and now Federal level I think 2016 just reflects the truth that Democrats don’t want to face.

I wouldn’t serve you anything fried as my guess is you’re already morbidly obese. Try some exercise, crack baby.

Yes. The only reason he didn’t do time (or go to trial) is because the government went so far overbroad trying to screw him that it tainted his right to even get that far.

To give credit where credit is due, the Nazis lost WWII at Stalingrad so you should be crediting Stalin.

But when it comes to free agent quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s silent protest against the killings of unarmed African American men, women, and children by police, the Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie says that he’s got zero chance of playing for his team.

True. And the article makes a strawman there because no one ever said Manning caused anyone’s death, they just said that his leaks put lives at risk. I don’t think anyone disputes that.

“I cannot be part of an organization – The Kennedy School – that honors a convicted felon and leaker of classified information, Ms. Chelsea Manning, by inviting her to be a Visiting Fellow at the Kennedy’s School’s Institute of Politics . . .”

You need to learn that flat out is not one word. Whatever color you are, you’re trash.