
Your first article cited quotes a mother whose son was shot. There is no protest. There is a “rally” of approximately 10 people that is videotaped and there is literally no one around with a camera besides the person that took the foootage in the article that is, to be generous, less than pro quality.

If you consider 15% tax “negligible” then you’re probably in the minority. That’s particularly true when you consider the money you invested was presumably already taxed as income once (unless you inherited wealth) so you’re essentially being taxed twice.

No, I told you I’m aware of the protests in Chicago. I’m paying attention. There’s just no other protests happening.

If someone else insurance, I’m not paying for them, am I?

People die because they’re poor all over the world. You’re right: I have no problem with that because that’s the way life is and always has been.

Plenty of people graduate colleges and universities with degrees and are not considered “experts” in their field. Lots of people graduate law school and fail the bar and never practice, same with accountants, physcians, etc.

That doesn’t mean that was the ONLY year of his life he spent in an integrated community. As he said, he also spent time in the military which is certainly integrated.

Why can’t we be mad about both? Just because you don’t see the communities organizing on tv, or see the peace marches, or see the local politicians rallying the city’s mayor for summer jobs and community centers to keep kids off the street and out of trouble doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

So he was right then: His school was desegregated.

15% of $1 is still 15% and if he’s paying it, he has a right to complain about it. If you had to pay it, I doubt if you’d consider it negligible.

That depends on how you count taxation. If you’re talking only income tax, then we’re not. If you throw in all the other taxes, we’re taxed pretty highly compared to other nations, especially if you live in a place like NY or CAL.

It’s not unheard of for kids to be 17 or 18 and still in high school.

How do you “misuse” a statistic? It is what it is.

They have data. This article discusses it.

According to this study, black cops shoot more black kids than white cops do by a few percentage points.

I didn’t ask if you were dodging anything as I don’t think you are and didn’t accuse you of that.

Ask yourself this: If the situation is as dire as this author would have you believe, why didn’t the DOJ launch an investigation into the practices of the KCPD?

They collect the data available. Oddly, it actually shows that black cops shoot black victims at a higher percentage than white cops do, although it’s a small margin.

But in the world we live in, “black on black” crime is almost always a dodge to avoid talking about armed public servants killing civilians of color at disportionate numbers.

Democrats came up with Social Security/Medicare for the elderly with the New Deal but they’ve also been in support of programs like Medicaid well after that, much more than the GOP. So you can’t say Democrats haven’t been pushing for health care for the poor since the New Deal because that’s not true.