
What evidence do you have that shows the number of white victims shot by black cops? I’d like to see the numbers you’re relying on.

That argument seems to be contradicted by this report that cites FBI stats on police shootings.

From what this story says (the first story I found so take it for what it’s worth), black officers are involved in 10% of all fatal shootings and of that 10%, 78% of the victims are black.

Show me a single study that compares black PD vs. white shooting victims that supports your argument.

Look, just admit what’s obvious - you don’t know anything so you use the only “argument” you have: Name-calling. It’s why I told you to grow up at the beginning. Most people outgrow that bullshit when they turn five or six but you’re stuck at that level. Seek help.

Well, to be fair, we all should be doing much more to stem black-on-black crime as well as police brutality. Working to reduce both should not be seen as a bad thing.

The NFL is sure taking all those people “boycotting” it really seriously, aren’t they? They could not send a bigger middle finger in that direction than bringing back this guy.

They’re not “bad things” to many people. YOU may think they’re “bad things” and that’s fine; you’re entitled to your opinion. But the fact you’re, say, pro-choice doesn’t make you a blithering idiot anymore than the fact someone is pro-life. You just have different opinions.

He was correct in criticizing Rice, Powell, et al. Everyone in Bush, Jr.’s cabinet was an idiot, just as he was.

I don’t expect you to “prove” your opinion is sound, just offer an explanation for why you think it may be. Obviously, you can’t and rather than try and do so you just get all indignant and check out.

Jeez. First, you’ve engaged in so much name-calling you can’t even keep them straight. The comment you made where I accused you of that was this one:

Everything is relative. If they’re paying taxes they’re “overtaxed” relative to all the freeloaders that aren’t paying anything in taxes.

I like white bread, mayo, fried chicken and watermelon! I don’t know if I’m supposed to be outraged or feel like I’m truly a man of all people. Stereotypes are more confusing every day!

This view is completely wrong and is why Democrats are going backwards.

Change “living on your street” to “breathing in the US” and you’re spot on correct.

I doubt if anyone denies Asians experience racism, but I am 100% confident that other groups claim they face less discrimination than their ethnic group does. In the US, some groups make it a point to complain that they’re discriminated against more than any other group EV-AH! It’s an odd point of pride or something.

No, it’s literally name-calling followed up with a cartoon to summarize your “deep thoughts.” You must have been first in your public school class.

Sorry you don’t like the truth, but it is the truth.

Well, let me ask you this: What do you think a boycott will achieve? Do you think that Roger Gooddell is going to stop playing games and have the NFL players go out and protest?

Much of that contradiction stems - at least in part - to objections to public teachers having tenure that makes it impossible to fire them. There’s a sizeable percentage of the US population that is actively opposed to public education because they feel it rewards ineptitude and laziness and actually undermines