
Please. There are lots of physicians now that don’t accept Medicare patients because the reimbursement rate is lower than it is for those with private insurance. The idea that “a lot of doctors” are for single payer is nuts.

Yeah, the VA and Medicare aren’t bureaucratic hellholes full of sunk costs. The idea that a single-payer system would be more efficient than insurance is absurd.

They may be billed at retail prices, but they sure as Hell don’t pay them. Cost-shifting is real but let’s not pretend that the uninsured are actually paying what they’re billed.

If you elect to enter a career that is known to pay poorly, why do you expect anything else? No one made you be a teacher or a public defender? You chose that path. Live with it.

And there’s doctors that want to heal people while also being compensated well for it. Most doctors fall into that category.

You should move to Venezuela, or Cuba, or Canada so that you can live in the system you’re so in love with. America doesn’t seem like a place you’ll thrive in.

A C student physician that qualified, entered and graduated from medical school is still smarter than at least 95% of the US population. Everything is relative.

Dude, you don’t get it. When everything is FREE, everything will be better! Free housing, health care, education, etc. is the way to go. It’s worked everywhere it’s been tried! Look at how well things are going in, say, Venezuela right now! FREEFREEFREE is the way for ME!

Medicare rates are established by the government. Health care providers can’t unilaterally decide to “charge more” for services.

That’s not a meaningful response, it’s name-calling. Grow up.

Tell that to all the VA patients that “enjoy” the benefits of socialized medicine. I hear they just fucking love it!

That seems odd since Democrats have been pushing many of those things for a long time and seem to be losing ground at the local, state and Federal levels.

You must not deal with the far-left loons on this site very much. Flipping out is their standard response to any argument they can’t substantively address. It’s why I come here! It’s fun to watch.

This is where you need to reconsider your stance:

Sure, if you want to lie you can offer:

You can’t prohibit them from doing so. Imagine a US physician like the orthopod James Andrews that is the “knee reconstructionist to the stars” and has more professional athletes as patients than anyone.

Medicare works well for patients but physicians and hospitals aren’t too fond of it. There are plenty of physicians that refuse to treat Medicare patients because the reimbursement rate is trash.

You can rest assured that it will exceed the current 9% you’re paying now and there’s no guarantee that the quality of care will improve.

Jesus, if you’re only argument is “you’re immoral!” you can fuck right off. Grow up.

You’re assuming that all Americans pay taxes.