
Nah, I don’t think so because it would be too easy for the Democrats to just let it all fail. The blame will go to the GOP so the Democrats win in that situation.

Uh . . .

You don’t come to this site often do you? Getting outraged over stupid shit like a white guy being cast in a fairy tale is why readers of this site get up in the morning.

This site is the Breitbart for the left. They hatch batshit crazy conspiracy theories from their assholes on a daily basis and live to be outraged by complete nonsense like this.

They should get to keep the Wayans brothers as well.

One thing I’ve learned by posting on this site is that writing basic economic facts never goes over well. The commenters here can’t stand it.

Well, blacks make up about 13% of the US population and according to your graph there they make up about 13% of characters in film.

You can always finance the film yourself and cast it with whomever you want.

Probably because white people are the demographic they’re trying to appeal to since white people have the most money to spend on entertainment.

You, Sir, are speaking common sense and expecting it to be recognized as such on a site where common sense is all too often the enemy.

Deliveries will be done with drones soon.

Hamilton’s Articles for September:

I often come to Nolan’s articles and try and explain the very basic concept of how the labor market works to the people that comment here and it never ends well.

Are you kidding? Nolan writes about unions every other day almost. It’s 90% of what he writes. The other 10% is more realistic and deals with yogurt.

You’re speaking truth in a place where it’s the least welcome.

Yes it is. Your idea is that upon learning that Kaep was protesting police brutality, people - even for just a moment - actually contemplated the issue and, possibly, will pay more attention because of an NFL QB’s stand.

it’s definitely not the kind of police brutality Kaepernick was protesting against.

No, that’s what you wish would happen. Kaep didn’t invent the concept that police brutality is wrong. He didn’t put that idea in anyone’s head. The idea that anyone suddenly said “My God! I now realize police brutality is wrong!” because Kaep took a knee is delusional.

Some of them might tell you that the War never really ended.

Usually in a civil war one side wiped the other out, not pardoned them and let them back into the Union. There are actually Confederate soldiers buried in Arlington and no one back then apparently cared. There are plenty of CSA monuments in Northern states. I read the other day that Montana, of all fucking places, has