
Do you consider ICE forcibly removing illegal immigrants police brutality? Do you think instances of brutality against them are going up or down?

A protest is effective if whatever message you’re trying to convey gets through and, hopefully, effects whatever you’re protesting against. If you want to be truly idealistic, you can play the “If my protest changes only one person’s mind/heart, I’ll consider myself successful!” angle and that’s a fine perspective to

You’re saying that there were people out there who were like, I’m not sure if police brutality is good or bad. If a football player had worn a headband saying that it is bad, I’d agree that it is bad. But since a football player knelt during the national anthem, I now think it is a good thing.

You’re your own biggest fan, but again, that just tends to show you’re not familiar with how debates work. The goal is to persuade your adversary, not lie about your occupation to them.

The increased media interest in the issue, in part related to Kaep, has increased the pressure on police to avoid these kinds of incidents and for them to be punished when they occur.

That’s easy.

You better hope no lives were on the line. If someone’s life was contingent on Kaep effectively protesting, they’re dead.

You’ve been lying the whole time. I haven’t made any representations to you about what I do because there’s no reason to do so. Like I said before, if you have to resort to “I’m a (insert whatever here) and I’m right!” to try and win an argument you’re new to the internet. That’s a dead giveaway you’re full of shit.

Civil disobedience has worked well before.

Jesus. Let’s keep this in perspective.

It’s not my role to give anyone a “pass”. I don’t speak for anyone. I do know that what Kaep intended to be a protest against police brutality turned into something much different specifically because of the method he chose.

No, why would I worry about “defending myself” to you? I don’t care about you. I don’t care what you think of me.

Or, if you know how all this came about, you know about the dispute between Durrenda Ojanuga - a social worker, by the way - and her critiques of medicine and the ensuing ass-stomping she got and all the evidence showing that her entire case against Sims is bullshit.

I suspected you were the type of half-wit that believes literally everything he reads on the internet. The Anarcha story is false and was debunked long ago, just like everything else in this article. I know you don’t like me posting this link, because it debunks your tale of woe and you want to play the “Blacks are

The more you claim you’re not bothered while throwing a tantrum as you do so, the more I know you’re bothered.

LMAO - No, he later said he wore that socks to only protest certain really bad cops, not all cops.

I don’t think that’s true at all. Most people learned about his protest by hearing it from someone. I bet that the vast majority of people were told something like:

You keep saying “30" but the actual number is “13".

He wanted to send a message and that message was received loud and clear.

I’ll take that little tantrum as an admission you don’t know what you’re talking about, know nothing about Sims, know nothing about clinical research or any type, and, most of all, lie about your occupation to try and win arguments on the internet with strangers.