
For a RICO predicate? I don’t think so.

You again? Still banging the same drum, I see. Here we go.

No, I’m definitely right. If YOU want to open up a business and put your own money on the line and shoulder all the risk so that your employees can eat up your profits, GO FOR IT! I hope you do great!

He chose not to honor the anthem of a country that doesn’t honor its own code by treating some people differently than others.

What state is going to charge him with a crime? New York? If they’re hot to charge him with something, why aren’t they doing their own investigation? I don’t think Mueller is investigating state crimes.

No, you said the MW in Australia is $17+ and that article shoots that proposition right to shit.

Because the protest doesn’t make a lot of sense. When Kaep first did it, I don’t think people would automatically assume it was even a protest at all. Maybe he was just sitting down getting treatment or whatever.

I’ll take Jeff Garcia over Kaep any day, protests or not.

It only takes 50.1% to win the award, right. The fact that percentage voted for him doesn’t mean the other 49.9% hated his ass. I’m not saying that’s the case, but if Kaep was so beloved in the locker room, why’d SF let him void his deal? Why haven’t they re-signed him? If he was beloved in the locker room, that seems

The problem is that even if they fracture, a large percentage of this country is never going to vote for a Democrat and what happens is you get semi-sane GOP politicians in power - who can really do damage - instead of our current POTUS who can’t stop shooting himself, and his party, in the foot.

I don’t think that’s accurate. Trump’s been bitching about China for years, way before Bannon got close to him.

He’ll pardon himself. The guy’s not going to jail. I’m semi-surprised he hasn’t already given pardons to everyone already. I think the only reason he hasn’t is because he’s not worried that he himself is going to jail.

No, if everyone gets out and votes in 2018 and the GOP goes backwards in either House, Trump will understand that.

No, he thinks he’s what he was: A CEO. He’s used to being the top of the ladder and as POTUS, he’s got a foot on the top rung, but so do lots of other people. Plus, many of those below him are free to take shots at him without fear of retaliation, unlike, say a middle-manager in a business he’s running.

People should also realize that the right doesn’t seem to care what words you call them anymore. The one thing I’ve noticed since Trump got elected, and “political correctness” really came under the gun as a waste of time, is that calling someone “racist” or “sexist” or any other -ist doesn’t really seem to faze

I don’t disagree, but these people were walking around openly in Nazi garb. They probably already know that people in society don’t approve. Hell, some of them have swastikas tattooed where they’re easily visible.

I guarantee you that’s going to backfire at some point. Someone’s going to accuse someone of being a white supremacist, it’s going to be wrong, and they’re going to get the shit sued out of them.

This right here is Truth. Well-written.

Oh, sorry, I was confusing you with another poster here named “Hoegoodlord” who’s making similar arguments.

This isn’t Denmark.