
Those two things go hand in hand. No one’s raising prices because it’s going to likely lead to less sales which means less profit which means a drop in stock price.

Yeah, you’ve raised the MW many times. It doesn’t fix anything and never has. Good luck with your revolution, we’re all terrified of it.

They all seem pretty content to me. I haven’t heard of any of them demanding more money. They’re old enough to know how things work, I guess.

No, we’re arguing about economics. You’ve mentioned macro-economics multiple times.

Apparently he simply asked them:

“Price” and revenue aren’t the same either. WTF are you talking about?

Yeah, corporations exist to earn money for stockholders, not give every no-skilled person in America a nice life.

Cite one single piece of authority that indicates Sims’ patients did not consent to the procedure. You can’t because there isn’t any.


You mention this sentence yet seem to think that we should nonetheless judge Sims by today’s medical standards and those two things are contradictory.

You literally just quoted a sophomore Econ student that begins his paper by claiming he’s going to refute basic Econ laws.

No, that’s not what my argument is. You didn’t read the article I cited, did you?

That’s not the best part. The sophomore Econ student begins by taking on basic Economic principles and, against all sense, trying to argue he’s right.

She’s old enough to work, so presumably she went through school and had an opportunity to develop job skills. If she didn’t, there’s not much you can do for her now except train her and she obviously hasn’t gone that route.

That is literally the exact opposite of what Wall wrote. He does not ignore anything but specifically addresses the contention that his patients did not give consent to undergo the procedure.

This woman is living.

Revenue and profit aren’t the same.

Wow, you devolved into GIF quickly. Usually people here have more fight in them.

That’s completely false. The women he operated on had a terrible condition that he eventually cured.

I’m not “fucking wrong”. And saying I haven’t cited anything is more than a little ironic given that you not only haven’t cited anything but don’t even know that tipping your wait staff is legal.