
Are you sure your mental health was stable to begin with?

It’s the classic starter job.

A starter job is a starter job regardless of your reasons for taking it. The fact Wal-Mart greeters are usually senior citizens does not change the fact the position requires virtually no skills and is a starter job.

You’ve obviously never owned shares in anything.

No, he was trying to cure them. Why else would he be operating on them? This blog makes it sound like Sims just operated on 11 slaves for fun but they all had a terrible condition. If they didn’t have the condition, what would have been the point? The JME article sets it out pretty well in this passage:

You haven’t read it so how would you know?

Get off the internet and take, like, one ethics in medicine course. I beg you.

Yes, if you didn’t know that 10 + .1 = 10.1 you definitely need help, my friend.

Yes, because you’re making the same arguments a sophomore Econ student is making and it’s equally ridiculous.

People undergo experimental therapies all the time. Even today. Here’s what Sims did that has your panties so twisted:

Yeah, I’m sure that’s why the Journal of Medical Ethics published it and it’s now in the NIH and passed PR.

No, that’s the conclusion of the paper. If you read the entire article I linked, you’d see that the point of the article was literally to debunk all the crap being said about Sims.

Sorry that reality is not to your liking, but there’s a reason why Sims was, and remains, both well-known and well-regarded by physicians.

Sorry to rain on your outrage parade. Maybe you can find something else to get pissed about. Maybe it will actually be true.

No. You’re way out in left field. This isn’t hard at all and you don’t need to re-invent the wheel which is what I get out of your attempt to dissect COGS. This ground has been plowed for a long time.

I don’t think you know what “literally” means because JME didn’t write that Sims abused black people at all. In fact, it reached the opposite conclusion and states your suggestion is, itself, “ethically bankrupt”.

OK, I’m still not sure what you’re getting at with the voter data. I don’t see that as being collusive.

That’s demonstrably false since I just took some of your time.

There were, as it turns out, a great number of Charlottesville locals present to witness the violence and lawlessness on display in this town—my town—last weekend.

Sure. Perhaps the person that said that was there to stop the lynching.