
I’m not justifying anything. No one has to justify the facts. They are what they are.

That’s not an argument. There literally was violence committed by both sides. That’s a fact, not an argument.

I tend to agree with you. If the law mandates an increase in the MW, then whether its publicly owned doesn’t matter. They still have to comply with that law and, in order to maintain profit, they’ll have to increase prices or take a dip in revenue.

Saying that evidence “could help” does not mean it actually does help.

There was violence on both sides. I don’t think anyone disputes that.

Now playing

It’s literally what she said. Here’s the CNN video clip link.

The guy that wrote this needed to know it, apparently.

Spare yourself. No one’s making you read anything.

Alaska’s APF isn’t a GMI. It’s a small amount each citizen gets and in no way provides enough to live on.

You have literally not disproved a single fact I’ve given you.

Is Sen. Leahy Heather’s mom? What does this have to do with anything?

Note that Heather’s Mom didn’t say the condolences were “belated” but the author did. Ms. Bro was very kind in her words to Trump and didn’t criticize him at all for anything that I’m aware of. I’m sure you wish she would.

You can label it whatever you want. If you want to say I’m making a “moral equivalency argument” knock yourself out. It doesn’t change the facts.

If you increase employee pay by x amount, you have to increase prices by x amount. Is that better for you?

Heyer’s mother didn’t agree with you. Did you take a look at her tweet to him?

No one has proved collusion. If you were on a jury, you may think that the evidence shows actual collusion, but then you’d probably believe that no matter what the evidence was. This link is from May, but as far as I know her opinion hasn’t changed, and even Feinstein disagrees with you:

I agree and think that’s a better approach but getting that through in this country will probably require a civil war.

He did. Heyer’s mother actually sent him a tweet thanking him for what he said.

You’re making things up. He never said the counterprotesters were as bad as the Nazis. He said the counterprotesters were also to blame for the riot that happened.

If you can prove that, then you’ll have a fantastic argument and I’ll concede the point. We’ll see what Mueller comes up with. Until then, though, it’s pure speculation.