
Sorry, but basic economics don’t lie and have held true for centuries. If raising the minimum wage worked, poverty would have been solved a long time ago. It doesn’t.

I can’t give you a specific dollar amount because it would depend on what type of restaurant it is, what part of the country it is, and what you’re making.

It appeared on CNN so it must be true, no? Trump specifically denounced the Nazis and he’s denounced anti-semitism and he’s denounced racism. He even did both while speaking at the African-American Museum:

C’mon. Now you’re just ascribing evil to him to do so.

He denounced the Nazis pretty clearly. He’s not in “cahoots” with them although I guess you could argue that Jeff Sessions is about the same thing.

I understand that argument, and am sympathetic to your goal, but I just don’t think you can fix it. If you’re going to pay them more, you’re going to have to charge more for your fast food. If you charge more for your fast food, you’ll likely see a drop in business and employees get fired, the place closes, etc. In

I never claimed to judge either of their morality but I think it’s a given to most people that they’re both pretty crappy people.

I understand what you’re saying, but I think Trump has a point there. The Nazis actually had a Court order (the ACLU fought for them to get it) and were there totally legally.

I don’t have a raist-o-meter so I don’t know which of the two candidates is more racist, I just know that to many people they were both racist and neither was an appealing candidate and, in my opinion, that led to black turnout dropping by a fair amount.

I don’t even know that they’re going to push any policies. I think they may just do nothing and let the agencies atrophy. Trump actually hasn’t filled a lot of positions to this day.

You said she won and she didn’t so I wanted to get the idea that the popular vote means anything out of the way because that’s too dumb to discuss.

I don’t think black voters cared about Benghazi or the e-mail thing. I think the racism angle may have struck a chord, though. No matter how you look at it, black turnout was down something like 5 points for some reason.

It depends on what your qualifications are. Pruitt is in his position to dismantle the EPA, not effectively manage it. DeVos is in her position to rewrite the Dept. of Ed., not effectively manage it. Ben Carson is in his position because he’s a black guy and who knows more about public housing than black people,

Prior to the election, there were actually plenty of people arguing that Clinton was racist due to her soft stance on BLM and her husband’s role in mandatory sentencing and the like that disproportionately landed on blacks.

That post is kind of racist by itself. It’s fairly well-documented that a fairly large number of legal immigrants did not want illegal immigrants coming to the US, even when they were coming from the same country.

She didn’t win.

You must not have read the Book of Big Governmentus, wherein Christ sets forth how to establish a “centralized” state and donate all your money directly to it. It’s a great read!

Rich, middle class and poor people often do make generous donations directly to the Church via tithing. They don’t need the government taking more of it.

The nation is filled with Christians and people can call it a “Christian Nation” all they want.

I don’t think many people really care about this as much as you may think. It’s on the news because of Trump’s reaction, and people are interested in that. But the actual C-ville events? Where I live, people don’t give two shits. It’s just background noise.