You laugh but in a little while Las Vegas will learn how having a mediocre NFL team transforms a city into a thriving, cultured metropolis that is the envy of everywhere else. Just look at Jacksonville, Cincinnati or Glendale!
You laugh but in a little while Las Vegas will learn how having a mediocre NFL team transforms a city into a thriving, cultured metropolis that is the envy of everywhere else. Just look at Jacksonville, Cincinnati or Glendale!
It’s really easy in this day and age of fantasy everything where players are treated as commodities to forget that these are human beings with lives, families, kids, schools, and communities they are a part of. Even if you’re moving from a bad team to a much better one, I imagine that’s no consolation when you go home…
And here I figured Burneko’s pet peeve would be using a single word where 5 or more could do.
Came to post this, pleased to see.
I know you’re contractually bound to do one of these for every team, but you should have just skipped this one, because the Jags are extremely cool and in no way suck. They’re cooler than your team. They’re cooler than my team. They’re cooler than all the teams, and I might go to the bar to watch all their games,…
Jacksonville does have a wonderful TGI Friday’s.
When you’re watching porn, especially one of those gauzy-lensed sensual ones, you generally do not find yourself thinking, Boy, that porn star fellow must be quite the gentleman at home.
As a human being, I feel some pity for her.
I think you mean Agent Michael Scarn.
i grow weary of this world
Yeah, if he’d instead named it something like “how to draft good players”, it would have gone forever unread.
Imagine - imagine - reading the article you’re commenting on..
YUM! This beef is good. Not good enough to put on a pizza, but good enough.
The kid’s still pissed he missed out on the hookers.
and the dogsitter was taking a shower.
“Dude, calm down.”
As a general rule, if you find yourself actually typing out the words “Oh, am I, Brenda?” you missed your exit.
Someone had some Ambien.
“I’m stockpiling weapons and ammo to fight against the government and troops that you have to make sure you stand for and show respect during the national anthem.”
Who am I to argue with a Juris Doctor about the Second Amendment?