
It’s the matter-factness that Viggo delivers the speech with that completely sells it. “He is creature of focus, commitment, and sheer will. Something you know very little about.”

I don’t understand. That story was written as though there are Dunkin Donuts toilets that are not clogged.


“Oh, Tyrod. The toll road of denial is a long and dangerous one. The price, your soul. Oh, by the way, you have until five to clear out your locker. I’m starting Sunday.”

It’s not unprecedented. There’s one pizza that is pro-Central Powers:

On the list of things adults can do with their neighbors, just for fun, practicing cheers for a yet-to-open high school comes in about 20 places behind, “orgy” and only slightly ahead of, “murdering them.”

You’re conflating my online persona with my real-world one. Online, I satisfy all of those requirements. In the real world, shut up. I don’t want to talk about it.

I’m all for creative license, KinjaNinja, but this premise goes way too far!

It will rise again...just give it like 20 minutes.

Last night in bed, I told my wife that just like a phoenix rises from the ashes, my penis would rise again. She laughed at me and went back to surfing on her iPhone.

I was practicing some cheers for the upcoming school year with a couple of my neighbors just for fun.

Well I’m certainly swelling with pride.

I’d be more proud of my son if he grows up and becomes a drug dealer than if he became a college basketball coach.

Is anyone else irritated by the New York Times’ continued insistence on using extraneous periods in acronyms?

Okay so we officially found the line.

I hope this is some reverse-troll that wasn’t workshopped enough. Too far. And I’m from Bernie Sanders’ backyard, so not surprising I do not sympathize with the Schillings - they are clearly the heels. Excrecable feelings from small minded self-rightous bigots.

They’re not going to spend a ton of money of fabric because they know fans are just going to end up burning them at some point anyway.

That scene in Kingsmen just got even more fun.

You know, when I was a kid back in the early ‘80s and thought about what the year 2017 would be like it had a lot more flying cars and robot butlers and a lot fewer arguments about racist pizza and fans of a cartoon show screaming at minimum wage fast food workers because they ran out of sauce.

But only one of them has crusts stuffed with disgust- nevermind.