Mrs. Rocksteady

Could very well be.

Sounds like maybe they played a dumb ass prank & didn’t realize their friend was in danger.

I read this yesterday: the cops think she mistook the freezer for the elevator & forced her way inside....because she was drunk.

Yeah, their story is full of holes.

I’m thinking so as well.

Sorry, I was referring to her “friends” who have kept changing their story. There’s something going with them.

Also the “friends” were in her car, but she’d gone back into the hotel to get her keys?

I think she was put in there. But that’s just my two cents.

rosemont cops?

I think the case just exploded. The cops just arrested one of her friends who was trying to commit suicide. It’s really bad. But do a google search. It was all over my timeline last night.

can you please explain this?

There is a video on Facebook of the Kenneka’s so-called friends hanging out in the hotel room. There appears to be four other girls and at least two men. It’s a somewhat bizarre video and everyone is playing amateur detective trying to find relevance in what’s going on therein. There’s lots of speculation about

According to some people, she was set up by her “friends” to be raped by two men. There’s a Facebook Live video, which features one of her friends and there’s some troubling audio featured. I hope that the police department gets involved.

You are right, it’s all far too suspicious to just let go.

Not only is it easy to do, but the reality is that these large walk-ins actually have to be locked from the outside in order to trap someone inside. Either that, or she was passed out and someone dragged her in there. No way she stumbled in on her own and then simply couldn’t get out.

Yes but what I don’t see is a 19 year old girl who is drunk and barely weighing 100lbs wandering a dark part of the hotel that was under remodeling by herself and no girl goes anywhere without her phone drinking or not. Second if she was drunk I could not see her able to lock herself in a freezer. I also read

Quite a few of her “friends” have been all over the Twitter, finger-pointing, justifying, some possibly lying, it’s a hot mess, like being on Facebook level bad.

It’s very easy to walk into a commercial kitchen almost anywhere.

Martin said that when she questioned the friends’ story about what happened, their “stories changed over and over again.”

Read this yesterday. Still trying to figure out how she got into a commercial-grade freeze (which I’m assuming it is) at a hotel, in an area I would assume would be off limits to the public.