........ fail.
If you want even MORE anime reviews from TAY this season, check out UI 2.0's Wixoss review and Koda's Kawaisou review.
Anime: The Irregular at Magic High School Song: "Rising Hope" Artist: LiSA Why Do I Love It?: If you are a fan of the first opening to Sword Art Online, you know what to expect from a song by LiSA—and this one doesn’t disappoint. Coupled with great visuals of flashy magic and epic-looking battles, it’s one I never get…
Somebody in the comments said it was angry birds, not DS:O.
I hope they bring it to vita :O
The chao garden in SA2. what are chaos for and why do I care? I don't know but seeing them grow and play pointless minigames is a lot of fun.
well, because it has a blast radius, it can hit 2-3 people. It usually comes at 4th or 5th, so at times it can be very useful. I still hate it though because i'm always first >_>
What It's Really About: A gamer who is awesome at mecha fighting games who finds his house and life invaded by the heiress to one of Japan's biggest company conglomerates.
this is a prototype for testing and I'm sure this is not google's vision. Nobody wants a car to be 25mph on the highway.... this is so they don't get screwed over by lawyers and local governments.
Absolutely fantastic, and the comments here are extremely supportive. I'll be looking through this when I got to Akihabara in the future (definitely a few years from now....)
Book Off is a chain of stores that buy and sell used books. Many of the stores, however, resell movies and games as well. Underneath the station and off the main drag is Akihabara’s Book Off, with its entire first floor committed to used games of all gaming generations back to the Famicom. The prices here tend to…
Why you shouldn't watch it: Nothing happens, Mr. Perfect is OP, too much incest for my tastes, and it still manages to bore me when something exiting happens on screen....
lol when I read that I thought it said SOUL EATER is NOT a disgrace to the original. I was like lolwut?
That's another problem... VN's do not equal Dating Sims. Dating Sims are a sub-genre in Visual Novels, but not all Visual Novels are dating sims. Just thought i'd clear that up with you. VN's can sell well in the states, but when they released dating sims here, they usually tanked.
People make fun of these because some…
I read about the gamma line on the wiki, and was extremely entruged. I couldn't find the drama CD on anything other than torrents, and my internet hasn't been too amazing lately. I'll be listening to this ASAP. :)
that's a very ignorant viewpoint on the world. Explain how danganronpa and pheonix wright got so popular even though they are VNs. (Relatively speaking.) There's a reason why Otaku is used as a derogatory term in japan.. It's creepy things like an obsession with hentai that is holding the genre, and community back,…