An all ages version that never be translated into English... Leaving the only english version available the eroge version.
An all ages version that never be translated into English... Leaving the only english version available the eroge version.
it really is, and that's the problem. Another problem is when they are shoehorned in the game, like in FSN, tsukihime, Sharin no kuni etc.
They're creepy, in my opinion. My post was what an average person would view the genre, as most people would be disturbed by such things. Another problem.. AA versions don't get translated and I don't know Japanese. I deal with the scenes, but I feel that they are unnecessary in 95% of VNs and games. There's…
I have. I play so many of them that i made a beginner's guide, and 999 is my favorite game out there. Ero scenes do change how i view the genre though.. And it makes me worry because so many have them.…
There's this precived notion that looks down on VNs and Dating Sims because of the people who play them, and how they are made. I'm sure we've all seen the body pillows somewhere on the internet. And you know what? They sell very well. Some of the players of the genre do things very qustionable to society.. And…
Ahh type moon with their nonsensical titles.
That's you. I'll post as many silly April fools stuff as I want. Like this!
But of course, subverting expectations is the start of humor, not the be-all and end-all of it. Humor can become quite complex—joke built upon joke, punch line built upon punch line. Unfortunately, the humor of Space Dandy is simple at best as it relies heavily on sight-gags for its humor.
Thanks for linking my article to main Kotaku :)
I need to get this to say that i've played this.
To me, the sex scenes are almost always unnecessary and are some of my least favorite parts of VN's.... why can't they all be driven by amazing plots? They limit the market and give a bad rep of the genre.
As would I. Or just release the 360 version here. I would go out and buy a 360 for that.
Considering that the Zero Escape series is my favorite game series ever, and I was devastated by this news and joined the movement immediately, I'll be really happy if Uchikoshi gets to work on a third game. That cliffhanger :O Apparently he's probably going to do an indiegogo instead of a kickstarter because…
I'm in the camp that absolutely hated valvrave, but the ending isn't too bad.
To add to the weird list of quotes...
I also did a review of this when it came out.
Thanks for the perfect post to plug my review :P…
I liked Outbreak Company, I just thought the message it was trying to send out was too contrasting to the lighthearted premise the show has. If it took itself more serious, I probably would have enjoyed it more. Also, I think some of the jokes were extremely cringe-worthy.
YES THEY HAVE. Just look how better PC games look! Stop trying to justify not spending money on a PC or a new console and let progress go! Stop being in denial. When 360 came out, the games weren't that much better looking, but as years passed, they looked better and better. We need progress!