Kevin Mai - Reikaze

WTF are you talking about? You know Gundam is a Japanese Anime...

no, they are incompatible. The older iPhone's are GSM only.

It's a working watch. I am sorta upset about it, but it's still a great game, and i'm happy i didn't cancel my preorder.

And now people can.

My parrents used to get these all the time. Made the movie 10x better. I remember bringing a friend and we watched those. Laughed our asses off.

Gawker broke the comment system.

Thanks! this fixed Kotaku and Jalopnik for me.

all you have to do to get a gaming system working is add a graphics card, if you have a decent pc, or if you have a cruddy system, it only costs a bit more. i built my pc for 450 bucks and it runs the latest games, at high quality. i can hook it up to my tv and play there, with a xbox controller. i find that i am