
We did not. But they weren’t worse than these ones.

Yeah, who wants to see a beloved entity be taken over by some corporate overlords? Why that’d be like this here AV Club being purchased by some large conglomerate and shifting its editorial viewpoint to accommodate their new corporate masters.


You joke, but Alex and I seriously reserve A for potential best-of-the-year-grade all-timers. For grades to have value, you have to manage them like an economy; we’re conscious of inflation.

Sure, Ignatiy, how much did Disney pay you for that review, huh?

-The algorithm to detect cloaked ships must either a) be flawed, b) lost by Discovery before they return to safety, or c) work against this version of the cloaking device but not the Romulan ones that come later.

Hey AV Club writers, can we have another article or feature relating to the Muppets like we had yesterday? Cus that was nice and actually made me happy, whereas all of the sexual harassment and assault news is just making me very very sad. You gotta balance out all this soul crushing, awful news with stuff that

Best religious philosophy me know come from fencing teacher in Game of Thrones: “There only one God. God of not having cookies. And only prayer we can offer Him is: not today.”

Okay, we can stop pretending that Orville is “more positive” than Discovery now. A future where humans are at war against a violent empire is pretty dark, but since it’s a prequel we know things turn out fine for the Federation, and that Star Trek’s luxury space socialist utopia will survive and grow. Whereas the

I can’t anymore say my biggest ptoblem with this show is MacFarlane; he is who he is.

I have a lot of complicated emotion about the Bendis announcement, chief among them that he shouldn’t be allowed to create his own characters or write anyone that doesn’t look like him for at least a year. The man needs to go on probation and earn some trust back.