
Dust is the fantasy energy that Dæmons (Souls) are made of. It’s a very vague concept in the books as well. The gist is that it’s the aspect that lets human have emotions and thought. In this world it gives everyone a Jiminy Cricket that voices their inner thoughts.

I think someone made a mistake here.

Doesn’t Warner Bros already have a service with HBO?

It’s not so much that there’s too many character but more that none of them serve any real goal or purpose. An unfortunate number of them literally just stand around, make quips. and get tossed away.


Thanks for posting this.

The binge category is pretty useless. Half the time you’re actually saying skip the first few episodes until you write the reviews.

They did not show a death. Finale was a big fakeout.

Am I still a gray?


I don’t understand this process at all.

I don't want to go

I don't want to go

What show?

I probably only watched this because of the DW shortage but I came to really appreciate th show on its own.

Those are in the first half.

Strange as it is, I almost forgot that Michael died this season. The time skip made it feel like it happened seasons ago. I'm not sure if I should applaud them for that.

I think we all deserve more time to process that episode.

Who's being whitewashed here?

There's a theory that she's the other JS referred to in the books who received the other JSs' secret messages and died before she could respond.