
Drop: Bull Replace: Pitch

Turkey: Notorious

It's not at all a bad show but there's still a lot of stalling for a new show. I'm basically watching because I'm expecting a better show later on. My feelings are going to depend a lot on how they handle the serial killer and how they changed the timeline.

It's hard to get invested in the present timeline when they have a retcon switch built into the premise of the show. Raimy is just going to take whatever risks she wants in the present because she's only focused on sending info back to the past.

Kate needs a storyline closer to the family. Jack and Randall get to be the hearts of their timelines and even Kevin has some emotional issues to work with. Kate feels a little isolated in LA and she seems to never have anything to do in the flashbacks besides feel uncomfortable.

I counted 6 in this episode including a song.

Full order for American Housewife, thursday.

CW really ought to make some half hour shows. Reacting to Tuesday and the Timothy-Xavier meeting felt awkwardly mashed together. I'm not even sure why Timothy and Xavier went to wrestling together, Finger was enjoying himself.

Wasn't this being reviewed normally?

He had a boss. Maybe he was just a construction angel. Like a rock designer.

The series that this is a remake of just had the crazy guy move the date back to a different apocalypse. I'm hoping they'll make the failure a little more permanent but I also kinda want him to just be right.

It's probably better if this gets cancelled this season. They could go through with the apocalypse.

With Ezra leaning further into the dark side and Kanan meeting a completely new force mentor, I'm wondering if they're trying to un-jedi the cast.

And my cancellation league ballot takes another hit. I'm actually hoping to see more of this now.

They ignored it most of the time in favor of the time master conspiracy.

I had a theory that they were brought upstairs younger and just couldn't remember the great things they eventually did but the timeline they keep referencing seems to debunk that.

What was the thing on the tape that he was laughing about at the end?

The writers must think all the goodwill from last season allows them to make her worse for their jokes.

I almost picked this for cancellation league. Nothing about this show looked likely to succeed.

They're twins.