
Seeing Sir Brienne reduced to tears I wasn’t terribly sure was in character for her. But it broke my heart none the less especially by  all people the likes of Jaimie.

Another for the “bizarrely angry Discovery review” pile. This one is better at seeming like it’s not a “waaaaah this doesn’t make me feel like TNG made me feel when I was 9" screed than the ones on Reddit, but that’s all this is.

I can provide millions of pages of evidence that the holocaust happened. You can’t find a single source about people celebrating 9/11 in America. If you insist on making a holocaust reference, you’re like the guy who said Jews use the blood of Christian children for their baking because you heard that disgusting lie

Bullshit. You don’t get to repeat Trump’s lie so many times it becomes acceptable. Provide any evidence of people celebrating 9/11 in America.

Everybody has their own limits of what level of racism trips your ‘fuck that guy forever’ trigger. Claiming you saw Muslims dancing on rooftops on 9/11 is way past that line. No, you didn’t, because that didn’t happen. You are telling lies to slur innocent people to justify oppressing them by law.

As someone with dyspraxia it was almost eerie for me to turn on the first episode and see a character with it. As is true with any condition of this sort, one person’s experience is one person’s experience, but I am fairly happy to see them doing a “in name only” kind of exploration of it. That may sound

Nah, it’s awesome.

Doesn’t Warner Bros already have a service with HBO?

Yo, Marvel is weak. It’s all about DC Comics, playa.

I don’t know, isn’t every movie just: Tony Stark is a shallow jerkoff, leading a life most of us only dream of, but then he gets a case of the sads, which he invariably gets over by knocking out whoever the villain happens to be.

Echoing that yeah, there are some spoilers for Ragnarok in here, but honestly, you should just watch up with that one and Black Panther because they’re both among the best MCU movies and way, way better than this one. :\

It’s not so much that there’s too many character but more that none of them serve any real goal or purpose. An unfortunate number of them literally just stand around, make quips. and get tossed away.

The Obama library isn’t one of the top clients at the firm. The middleman for the Obamas was a good friend of Diane, and the firm assumed that the library would be a shoo-in for them. That’s why they had bragged for five months about getting it to their other clients, and why it would be very embarrassing for their

Fun fact: characters don’t need a reason to be queer.

I got such a kick out of the Enterprise showing up at the end (and it looked fantastic), so of course the AVC review hates it.

You don’t need to see the other two to follow the (nonsensical) plot, but they are a must if you want to feel underwhelmed.

Yeah, I think years from now, this will be the Star Trek show that gets a fair deal of critical re-evaluation in its favor. One of the big criticisms about Trek TV in the 90s was how similar and stale Trek has become. Now comes a Trek series with some issues but “stale and safe” aren’t among them. You can never make