
Episode 1: The SWAT Team tries to serve a warrant on a suspect who failed to appear in court on a simple marijuana possession charge. After knocking out a wall with their armored assault vehicle Hondo shoots all the family pets. It is later determined that the suspect hasn’t lived there in 8 months.

People keep on comparing it to TNG, personally, i find it more VGR the worst of the Treks and the Orville at its best still amounts to bad VGR.

Congrats to the Orville writing staff for doing a 45 minute adaption of that “SMART PHONES...DUMB PEOPLE!” image macro that everyone’s great uncle keeps posting on Facebook. Just as thought-provoking, too.

Sigh. Me afraid me have to agree. And me loved Zack’s reviews of earlier Trek series — they one of favorite things AVC ever did. But me very frustrated with Star Trek fans who not willing to let new show be new show and not retread of everything that came before.

In a lot of ways, you aren’t wrong, and I am a fan of simplistic, episodic cartoons. DuckTales is kind of billing itself as something more complex so I still want to lean on exploring depth and development when I can. Beaks is supposed to be a long-term villain, so I was indeed looking for something more than

Great review - and I know it’s a small thing, but I really appreciate the detail on injuries and graphic parts. I’ve been having a lot of problems lately with panic attacks in the cinema (never used to be this bad) and now I know that if I’d like to avoid that I can just rent the movie and fast forward as needed.

Dear god, my friend, it’s not hubris. If I had half a say I’d give you back community grades a week ago. This was the move to Kinja; I fucking swear we’re doing our best to improve it with each passing week (and WOW has it gotten better since the initial change), but every suggestion is legit something we try to push

“There are worse horror stories, too; people are reporting fights breaking out, lines blocking traffic...” people driving for 40 minutes and then spending an hour in line...