
I agree.

Good ole Florida man.

Or you could move up to a Boxster S. And still get the same jokes but obliterate both in every performance measure.

What is that, a Panoz?

You won’t regret it. Especially if it’s a 981 with a manual transmission. It’s bliss.

If sporty is part of the equation then no doubt it’s the 981. They are amazingly fun to drive.

Yup. Shortly followed by a regular 981 Boxster. Such an amazing car.

Yup. Nothing aesthetically pleasing about them at all.

In the same time window, the 911 went from 78 to 89. So yeah, what did Nissan do to that thing?

It’s truly a digital car. They feel numb compared to other cars of a similar mindset. It’s like you’re driving a video game.

Tis true. It does everything better (as a sum) than any other single car for the most part. Especially the Turbo.

Dude the exhaust note on the base AMG GT is sick. I can’t imagine what the R sounds like.

Which could be a while... see 350Z for reference.

I dunno man. It sounded to me like you described every RS car from Audi out there. ;)

You kidding? Look at the prices they charge for options. They charge you $530 to paint the key fob the same color as the car. $530.

Well that’s the Italians. We expect them to make boneheaded moves like that....

Not only Italian cars either. Porsche had to recall every single 991 GT3 when they were first launched due to an engine problem that caused them to catch fire. Every one had to have the engine fully swapped out.

LMAO... my thoughts exactly

They’re teenagers.... do you really think their thought process got past... lets steal a lambo!!!!!????

Yeah but it wasn’t at all though.