
Not even in the same ballpark.

Only from afar. Sitting inside it you would never make that mistake. The materials are not bad to look at or touch. Right on par with something that costs 35k (when new) back then.

Agree. My ex had an S40 with it. It was well laid out and easy to use after just a minute or two of looking at it.

Well done

S63. Case closed.

Makes it easier to sleep at night bro.

Hell yes. Porsche made a leather referred to as “Natural” for the 997. It looks like something your baseball glove would have sported. Unreal. It’s relatively hard to find, but is soooo nice.

It definitely moved while looking at these pics.

Nope. Nope. Nope.

I just gotta vent. Fuck you BMW and your endless stream of models. 3 series, 4 series. Coupe. Gran Coupe. Jesus. I miss the times when it was simple. 3,5,7, X, Z.

Welcome to buying a used German car. When I was shopping for my 911 it was literally like 80% of the cars were that spec. So boring.

Yes. This. So much this.

Yeah or if you’d rather, you can pickup a ‘14 from carmax for like 40k and add warranty. Viola.

Kill it with fire!!!!!!!

I agree. Especially with no explanation for what it’s rebuilt.

I agree. Imo it’s one of the best looking cars they’ve made in quite some time.

I would agree.

Good call. I’d be willing to bet on that being he case.

It depends on your definition of rich I suppose. I make 6 figures and could easily afford a 50k car. But I’m not rich. Far from it. 😊

Yeah. Pretty sure it was 5, but like I said this could have been an urban legend.