
From the creators of Lane Bike Slow.

The modern trailer industry is a real boon for the time-pressed movie viewer.

I could barely sit through the trailer, it was so bad.  The idea of 112 minutes of this makes me nauseous.

Social media means fringe thinking gets a lot of publicity. All Republicans aren’t Q supporters and all progressives aren’t complaining about accents.  There's extremists on both sides.

I would argue that the worst part of the reboot is Brady because I’m skeeved out every time he or his girlfriend are on screen or loudly having sex offscreen and I hate the way Miranda and Steve are just like, welp, nothing we can do about what a gross, inconsiderate asshole our son is.... But yes, Miranda is

This show is maddening. The hypocrisy of Miranda repeatedly cheating on Steve after everything in the first movie is infuriating, and more so that she never seems to question if she is doing the right thing. The lack of any kind of remorse is frustrating.

Someone else pointed out (possibly on this very website - I don’t remember where I saw the remark) that there’s an odious double standard when it comes to cheating in movies: when a man cheats on his wife that’s inexcusable, but when a woman cheats on her husband it’s OK provided it’s with a woman/non-binary person

So, apparently, this show doesn’t have interest in developing the characters of “young Black queer women or trans women”. I mean... did everyone forget who the two main characters of this show are? Really? What is this bs about Cal being the only queer character in the show that is given attention, empathy, and a

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His performance as Christine Baskets is one of my favorite performances by any actor in any media.

This review is ironically deeply unempathetic which fits considering this TV series is all about losing empathy.

This episode wrecked me. I’m struggling to think of a death that has gotten to me like Jackie’s has. It was so sad, so lonely and devoid of purpose. It was the best bit of manipulation of audience expectation since Psycho. We expect Jackie to play in important role. She was going to be the Antler Queen. Or a leader of

Harrison died on his way back to his home planet. 

Also as a side note, I found the production design of the series so refreshing, tactile, and real. Unlike so many streaming shows (And Just Like That, Morning Show, etc.) there were no shitty outdoor green screens, no obviously fake driving scenes, no indoor setpieces that looked like sets. The show was clearly filmed

OK, concerning Miranda and Steve, I need to tell a personal story...

I was in a long-term relationship with a bisexual woman and, over time, she gradually realized she was more attracted to women then men. I could sense it, but we didn’t feel comfortable talking about it for a while. She didn’t really talk about her

Yeah, I can’t actually fault Charlotte here despite that line. It’d be one thing if Miranda were single and experimenting, but she’s cheating on her husband and seems to not be considering him even a little bit. I hope the writers don’t just brush this off, with Steve just shrugging his shoulders and retreating from

Indeed they do not.

Can someone point me to the smoking gun that JK Rowling is transphobic? I’ve only ever heard her voice the opinions that: biological sex is a thing, and women should be allowed spaces to change their clothes without seeing a penis.

After getting sushi and not paying, of course.

Repo Man is the best thing anyone has done ever.

I’m surprised at what this obit leaves out. He also produced movies, including Repo Man and Tapeheads, and created the show that was the direct predecessor to MTV.